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Category Archives for Growth & Engagement

How To Earn The Love and Respect of Your Followers and Subscribers

One of the biggest challenges many coaches and up-and-coming experts face is actually choosing the right posture when communicating with their followers. Do you position yourself as an authority that people; look up to and aspire to be like? Or do you come across as one of them so they feel like you understand them […]

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Business Growth Lessons from Facebook and Twitter

I want to talk about an important business growth lesson I’ve taken from Facebook and Twitter. This is crucial for every coach, speaker, trainer, author or consultant looking to build a successful business. Oftentimes we find ourselves in a situation where we go from being popular to fizzling out. Actually, the whole thing could be […]

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10 Reasons Why Most Coaches Aren’t Making Money.

Why are coaches struggling to make money? Do you know that 95% of coaches actually are not making money even though they have the expertise and ability to help people get results? And this is largely due to the influence of the internet, especially the social media. There is a low point of entry and […]

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The Right Way To Use The Power of Your Story

If you have been in the online marketing space for a while, you probably would have heard all the rave about infusing your marketing message with your story. Right? Not to mention all the courses that are currently available to teach entrepreneurs how to use your story to promote or project your brand. I wouldn’t […]

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Coaching Business Success For Beginners

COACHING BUSINESS SUCCESS: Are you just starting out in business or have you been in business for a while but not getting good results – making the kind of money you want to make? These days it is easy to get caught up in distractions. If your major business goal is income generation, there are […]

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Facebook Groups Or Email Lists – Which is more important?

Which is more important Facebook Group or Email List? To build your business, what should you focus your attention on, what should you make your priority – bringing more people into your Facebook Group or building your email list? Remember, each platform has a unique purpose it serves: (a) Your email List is the POWERHOUSE […]

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How mastering the art of copywriting can make your content more irresistible

Irresistible content that connects doesn’t have to be long. We know this already. In fact, the difference between a course or program that sells and one that bums can be just a couple of words. I see a lot of questions in several Facebook groups talking about whether to hire a copywriter or invest in […]

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Follow these 7 tips if you’re serious about blogging

Blogging is a medium that seemingly enjoys continuing popularity, offering people from all professional arena the opportunity to share their thoughts, opinions, skills, and knowledge at the click of a link. Even with the upsurge of video, blogging maintains kudos – with videos being referred to as ‘vlogs’ – effectively a video blog.  Blogging serves […]

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10 types of lead magnets that are guaranteed to grow your email list

Lead magnets are one of the fastest ways to attract an audience and build your tribe. Few weeks ago, we published an article on How to craft the perfect lead magnet and listed some examples of lead magnets that are employed by many coaches, business strategists, and online marketers. In this post, we will delve into […]

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How to craft the perfect lead magnet for your coaching business.

What is a lead magnet? How can I create the perfect lead magnet? What should I give away as a lead magnet? How long should the perfect lead magnet be? These are some of the questions running through your mind––rightfully so, and this post contains all the answers to those questions. First, what is a […]

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