February 10


Is It Smart To Call Yourself A Life Coach?

Because I do a lot of work with coaches, speakers and trainers I have been opportune to visit a lot of websites owned by coaches who are trying to build a business around their passion of helping others. One thing I see that is very common is a lot of coaches branding themselves as 'life coaches'. I recorded a short video to share my take on this... [video_player type="youtube" youtube_remove_logo="Y" width="640" height="360" align="center" margin_top="0" margin_bottom="20"]aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cueW91dHViZS5jb20vd2F0Y2g/dj1oSFZrZ1Z2VmVJbw==[/video_player] [social_sharing style="style-9" fb_like_url="http://profitfromcoaching.com/is-it-smart-to-call-yourself-a-life-coach/" fb_color="light" fb_lang="en_GB" fb_text="recommend" fb_button_text="Share" tw_lang="en" tw_url="http://profitfromcoaching.com/is-it-smart-to-call-yourself-a-life-coach/" tw_name="@djsobanjo" tw_button_text="Share" g_url="http://profitfromcoaching.com/is-it-smart-to-call-yourself-a-life-coach/" g_lang="en-GB" g_button_text="Share" alignment="center"] Share your thoughts below.


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