Profit From Coaching
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Is It Smart To Call Yourself A Life Coach?

Because I do a lot of work with coaches, speakers and trainers I have been opportune to visit a lot of websites owned by coaches who are trying to build a business around their passion of helping others.

One thing I see that is very common is a lot of coaches branding themselves as ‘life coaches’.

I recorded a short video to share my take on this…

[video_player type=”youtube” youtube_remove_logo=”Y” width=”640″ height=”360″ align=”center” margin_top=”0″ margin_bottom=”20″]aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cueW91dHViZS5jb20vd2F0Y2g/dj1oSFZrZ1Z2VmVJbw==[/video_player] [social_sharing style=”style-9″ fb_like_url=”” fb_color=”light” fb_lang=”en_GB” fb_text=”recommend” fb_button_text=”Share” tw_lang=”en” tw_url=”” tw_name=”@djsobanjo” tw_button_text=”Share” g_url=”” g_lang=”en-GB” g_button_text=”Share” alignment=”center”]

Share your thoughts below.

About the Author DJ Sobanjo

DJ Sobanjo is a leading personal and leadership development expert, author, speaker, coach and consultant. He has been engaging, inspiring and developing people across the world for over 14 years. He started his internet business journey in 2003 and after many false starts went on to build a successful global business online. In 2014 he started Profit From Coaching to help other coaches, speakers and trainers build a profitable business around their passion of helping others.

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  • Hi Dj,

    Remarkable video-short,straight & simple.Keep it up,we should see soon.


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