Profit From Coaching
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What every coach needs to know before launching a coaching program

Avoiding the Empty Calendar: What Every Coach Needs to Know Before Launching a Coaching Package

I’m beyond excited to welcome you to the very first edition of your weekly business newsletter for Heart-Led Coaches!

Every week, I’ll be delivering you actionable insights, practical strategies, and inspiring stories to help you build and grow your coaching business in a way that’s both profitable and fulfilling.

My mission with this newsletter is to offer you the tools to attract premium clients, avoid common pitfalls, and thrive in your coaching journey.

And I want to kick things off by addressing something **critical** that every coach faces at some point…

Have you ever poured your heart and soul into what you believe is the perfect coaching package, only to launch it and... crickets?

It’s frustrating, right? You’ve spent hours, even days, refining every little detail of your offer, fully convinced it’s going to change lives—and it just doesn’t take off.

No bookings. No clients. Your calendar stays empty.

I see this happen with so many coaches, and if this has ever been your experience, you’re not alone.

So, what’s the problem?

It’s not that your offer isn’t good. The problem is you didn’t prove your idea before launching it. And that’s what separates successful launches from the duds.

Today, I want to share with you the three critical steps you MUST take to ensure your next coaching package fills your calendar instead of leaving you wondering what went wrong.

Step 1: Is There Money in the Market?

Before you even start designing your coaching package, you need to ask yourself a very important question:

Is there money in this market?

Now, I’m not just talking about whether your target audience has money. I’m talking about whether they have the money—and the desire—to solve the problem you’re addressing.

So here’s the first step: Identify your target audience. 

And once you’ve done that, ask yourself:

  • Do they have the financial means to pay for your solution?
  • Is the problem you’re solving big enough, painful enough, or frustrating enough for them to want to spend money on fixing it?

It’s not enough that your package can help them. You need to be sure that your target audience sees the problem as significant enough to warrant spending their hard-earned dollars.

A lot of coaches get tripped up here because, as heart-led coaches, we want to help everyone. But in business, you need to focus on helping people who can afford your help.

Step 2: Are They Spending Money Now?

Once you’ve confirmed that your target audience has the money and the motivation to solve this problem, the next thing you need to do is check if they’re already spending money to solve it.

This step is simple but essential: look around the marketplace and see if other coaches or businesses are offering similar solutions. Are they seeing success? Do they have testimonials? Are they consistently offering these services over time?

If you find businesses that have been around for a while and are successfully serving your target audience, it’s a great sign that there is a market for your coaching package.

I’ve seen so many coaches skip this step. They assume that just because they’re excited about their offer, the world will be too.

But your offer needs proof, and seeing other businesses succeed in this space is a clue that you’re on the right track.

Step 3: Will They Spend Money with You?

Finally, you need to prove that your target audience will actually spend money with YOU.

Here’s a simple method I use all the time, and it’s one I share with my clients. Leverage your existing network. Reach out to people you know or your social media audience, and offer a free consultation or a special pilot program.

Say something like, “Do you know anyone who’s struggling with [major problem] and is looking to achieve [desired outcome]? I’m offering a few free consultations where I’ll help them get clarity on the next steps.”

What you want to do is book 10 quality discovery sessions—and out of those 10, if you can convert even 1 or 2 of them into paying clients, you’ve got solid validation that people are willing to invest in you.

If you don’t see any conversions, the issue might be in how you’re conducting your discovery calls or how your offer is positioned—but now you know where to tweak things before sinking time and money into a full marketing campaign.

If you want to improve your conversions from discovery calls, then check out Discovery Call Magic.

Why Is This So Important?

It’s easy to get carried away with the excitement of launching a new offer. But launching without proof is like throwing spaghetti at the wall—hoping something sticks.

Never build a full marketing campaign around an untested idea. No matter how passionate you are, no matter how much you believe in your offer, always prove the idea first.

You’ll save yourself countless hours and headaches down the road.

What’s Next?

Once you’ve validated your offer using the steps above, you’re in the perfect position to move forward with confidence.

You now know:

  • Your target audience has the means and the desire to pay for your solution.
  • The market is actively spending money to solve the problem you address.
  • Your own network is willing to invest in you.

Once all these boxes are ticked, you’re ready to take things to the next level and watch your coaching package flourish.

Your Journey Starts Here

I hope this first edition of your weekly newsletter has sparked some ideas on how you can ensure your next offer is a winner!

Each week, I’ll be diving into more practical insights like these, covering everything from attracting premium clients to scaling your business without burnout.

Next week, I’ll be discussing “How To Ensure You Consistently deliver Great Results For Your Clients”, so stay tuned—you won’t want to miss it.

If you have any questions or want to share your thoughts, just hit reply—I’d love to hear from you!

Here’s to your success!

About the Author DJ Sobanjo

DJ Sobanjo is a leading personal and leadership development expert, author, speaker, coach and consultant. He has been engaging, inspiring and developing people across the world for over 14 years. He started his internet business journey in 2003 and after many false starts went on to build a successful global business online. In 2014 he started Profit From Coaching to help other coaches, speakers and trainers build a profitable business around their passion of helping others.

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