February 15


Are You Really A Professional Coach, Speaker Or Trainer?

A few years ago when I worked in the corporate world as a Management & Leadership Development Specialist, my then manager, an amazing leader told me something that stuck with me.

She said those of us who work in our space i.e. people development, have a lot of power and that calls for huge responsibilities.

One of those responsibilities is to continue to work on being better at what we do.

I recorded this short video to expand on this. Go ahead and watch, then share your thoughts below.

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  • You are so right.investing in our core skills is the best investment we can ever do. It will help us to expand our horizons and help with changing the way we think so that we will be better positioned to serve others.

  • Well said. It’s imperative to be authentic and have the substance to back up who you are and what you stand for. Many people fail to realize that talent and skills are different. To many are faking it, which is why the authenticity of your vocation or calling is imperative. Part of that authenticity is to hone your craft. That’s the difference between being a Coach and a Certified Coach.

  • Interesting video Deji, thanks for sharing. I totally agree with you with regards to people providing quality services. We can’t be shoddy at what we do and get away with it for long. In fact, we shoot ourselves in the foot as it would affect the growth of our business and our credibility as a whole.

    My expertise is in Biblical Wealth Creation and Potential Development: I believe our personal growth and business growth both go hand in hand. We must challenge one another to greatness and keep on lifting up the bar.

    I believe that what people like yourself and myself can do is to challenge people to excel in what they do.

  • Yes. Having an investment when it comes to providing the highest-quality services is important. When you love what you do and do it with a heart of service, you will want to be your best and provide the best for those who believe in you.

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