January 1


Why Most Coaches Are Going To Have A Terrible Year In 2015

It’s December now and folks are excitedly looking forward to the New Year with new hope, anticipation and excitement.

Many coaches have reviewed the year, set new hairy, audacious goals and they are set for a phenomenal year.

The truth though is for 95 of every 100 coaches, 2015 is not going to be much different from 2014.

I’m not saying this as a prophet of doom. Most definitely not.

If you are a coach reading this, it’s my hearts desire that 2015 be a brilliant year for you.

I recorded a 15 minute video where I explained why most coaches are going to have a terrible year and how you can avid making the same mistakes they are making.

Watch with a pen and notepad, then leave your comments at the end.

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  • Hi DJ,
    Well spoken and pretty clear message.
    I kept hearing: Sell to your target market what they want not what products you have created to sell.

    Always a brilliant reminder for me.
    Thank you.

  • Great words. I will be part of the 5% I am working on my marketing plan now which starts with my situational analysis. Your words just gave me an idea and I’m filled with excitement about the next few weeks. Thank you.

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