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“How To Set Up Your Coaching Business To Earn You 5 Figures A Month…”

IT’S 100% FREE



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I’m Going to Show You…

  • The one thing you can do to immediately get more leads, and ultimately more customers
  • 3 very important steps you MUST take before you do any type of advertising for your business (If you miss out on these steps then everything you do to advertise will do more damage to your brand)
  • One simple tweak to your business model that would ensure people never complain about your prices and are falling over themselves to take you up on your offers EVEN IF YOU DIDN’T HAVE THE FOGGIEST IDEA HOW TO SELL A GLASS OF COLD WATER TO A LOST TOURIST IN THE SAHARA DESERT
  • How too much marketing is hurting your business and costing you time and money. I will share with you what you must be doing instead
  • Why modelling the success of others doesn’t work most of the time and how the BYOUS formula is a much better option
  • The crucial action over 90% of coaches who are trying to build their business online are not taking that is costing them thousands of Pounds every month
  • How ‘networking’ is hurting your business, damaging your brand and costing you money and how I was able to quadruple my income within 90 days of quitting the ‘networking’ scene and what I did instead
  • And so much more…




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