I am a big fan of webinars. I have been using webinars in my business since 2003 and in the last couple of years I have made tens of thousands of dollars using webinars.
A few clients have asked me what's the best software to use for hosting webinars. I have tried at least 30 webinar software in the last 10 years and my top 3 are
These are the only 3 that I would recommend to my clients.
However how do they stand against each other?
Here's my honest evaluation of all 3:
[video_player type="youtube" youtube_remove_logo="Y" width="640" height="360" align="center" margin_top="0" margin_bottom="20"]aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cueW91dHViZS5jb20vd2F0Y2g/dj1rTkYxREVSZmpyVQ==[/video_player]
Have you used any of the mentioned webinars and have had similar or different experiences? Or maybe you use another webinar software that works really well for you.
Go ahead and share your comments below.
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Dear Coach, Last week, we talked about the first five things you shouldn’t do if you want to build a successful coaching business in 2025. Today, let’s dive into the remaining five pitfalls to avoid this year. These common mistakes can hold you back from creating the desired results, so let’s make sure you steer
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Happy New Year once again! As we step into 2025, it’s time to take a fresh look at how you are building your coaching business. But instead of the usual “what you should do” list, let’s talk about what you shouldn’t do if you want to create success this year. These mistakes are all too
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