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Thanks for Your Feedback!

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”17″ line_height=”29″]I’ll let you know the results of the survey as soon as everything is tabulated. But until then, here’s a token of my appreciation just for helping me out.

When you create your free account below, you’ll get FREE instant access to my 7 HIGH TICKET CLIENT ENROLMENT BOOSTER VIDEOS.

These 7 videos introduce and explain how to implement 7 of my most powerful tactics that you can use to make thousands of dollars monthly as you enroll clients on to your 1-1 and group coaching programs.

Here’s why I want you to have this…

In my experience, one of the biggest problems coaches face in growing their business is attracting a regular stream of paying clients. 

When you have clients enrolling on your coaching programs:


  • You finally begin to feel like your work is being valued and you’re not wasting your time, and…
  • You would then begin to generate positive cashflow and then start to invest money in taking your business to the next level (The truth is, your business needs a serious injection of cash if you really want to move up to the ‘Premier League’ of the coaching world)
[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left”]So when you have clients enrolling in your higher level programs it makes all the hard work worth your while and enables you make more money to invest in growing your business!

That’s why I want you to start enrolling more clients into your high end coaching program. And that’s why I’m giving you these 7 booster videos

And again, it’s totally free.

Just click here to create your FREE account and access my Booster Videos.

Thanks again,

DJ Sobanjo

CEO, Profit From Coaching



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