Do you need help getting paying clients?

I can help you design the PERFECT client generating system that generates regular clients almost on auto-pilot

And I think that’s great!
Read on to learn how you could be 1 of the 10 people I’m going to help design your own unique online client generating system.
Going it alone is no fun, plus, I’m confident we can get you the results you’re after MUCH faster and with way, way less work if we tackle this project together. I’ll explain how the process works and how we can get started, but first I have a question for you…”
Is it really possible to consistently generate a steady stream of paying coaching clients month after month? It is, but only if you have a tested and proven lean, mean client generating system…”
You see, there are basically just 4 ways to acquire a new buyer or coaching client using the web. That’s it…just 4. And once you know which of these 4 customer-getting ‘pipelines’ is best for you and your coaching business, you just need to deploy one of them to put your prospecting and sales system on autopilot…
So if you have a coaching, speaking or training business but it’s not generating as many prospects and customers as it should, then you’re smart to be reading this…[/text_block]

We both want to design a lean, mean client generating system that works on your behalf to locate your ideal client and encourages them to buy your coaching products and services without you having to chase them or come across as a sleazy salesperson.
But the challenge is there are so many so-called experts out there spouting false, ‘one-size-fits-all’ information, so it’s hard to know what you should do.
A lot of information but very little direction. I’m sure you get what I mean…[/text_block]

So I understand that designing a coaching client generating machine for a stay at home mum who is building a coaching business in the fitness industry (and yes, I have helped a client design one of those) is very different than designing a client generating machine for a busy senior executive who is working crazy hours and is also building a coaching business in the career development space (which, yes, is something I’ve also done).
The principles may be the same, but the specific application of those principles is very different, and those little nuances could make the difference between success and failure…
That’s why, even if you have attended one of my webinars where I’ve taught this or purchased one of my online courses, you should still take me up on the offer to hop on a 1 hour call and design your own unique lean, mean client generating system…[/text_block]

A Little About Me
I’ll tell you how you can lock in this offer for just £1, but first, if you’re like many of the people you might still be wondering who I am and why you can trust me.
Again, my name is DJ Sobanjo, and I’m the founder and CEO of Profit From Coaching,com. I utilised my first automated customer-getting “machine” back in 2003 when I still worked a full time job with Transport for London,
I got involved in the network marketing industry back then and I was told not to waste my time online as the business couldn’t work online.
I employed my first client generating system and very soon I had one of the fastest growing organisations with that company.
I took the same principles and have employed them to help clients across different field including driving instructors…, solicitors, accountants, opticians and physiotherapists among many others generate a steady stream of paying clients.

Today, it seems like everyone and their dog is a “marketing expert,” and while they can put up a fancy website with very impressive graphics, there are really 2 questions you should be asking[/text_block]

- 1. Are they making money consistently themselves and
- 2. Are they helping others make money consistently

But if you haven’t heard of me, that’s ok. In fact, that’s by design. You see, while all the ‘so-called’ business strategy gurus are busy running seminars and blabbering all over Facebook, I’m busy serving my clients and helping them make money from their passion of helping others.
That’s how I know what actually works…[/text_block]

Lock In One of 10 Client Generation System Design Slots for Just £1 Today

“Here, let me show you how it works…
There are 5 steps to this process of us designing your own lean mean client generating system
- You simply lock in your spot today with just £1
- You will then be taken to a page to book a quick 15 minute call with me
- During the call we will have a quick chat where I will learn more about your business goals and you will learn more about how we help out clients design their systems.
- If we are both happy we then book the appointment and the £300 credit is applied and you pay only £47 (This is a special limited time offer and is only available to the first 10 coaches who take up the offer so take action immediately so you don’t miss out)
- You complete a questionnaire beforehand and during the session, I will design you a client generating machine that you can deploy to help you grow your list and enroll more paying clients onto your coaching programs and to buy your product offers

[op_liveeditor_element data-style=””][text_block]An appointment scheduler to book a 1-1 session with Profit From Coaching CEO, DJ Sobanjo where we will discuss my business goals and how DJ can help me design a bespoke online client generation system to help me get more clients.
If we are both happy then we will schedule a discounted £47 online system design session[/text_block][/op_liveeditor_element]
[op_liveeditor_element data-style=””]
Lock In 1 Of The 10 Spots At The Special 80% Discount Below
[op_liveeditor_element data-style=””]£1[/op_liveeditor_element]
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Here’s what makes our process unique:

Also, we recognized long ago that marketing automation is NEVER one-size-fits-all. I have seen many companies that sell ‘funnels’ off the shelf, sometimes for as much as £5,000.
You are unique, your current work and family life is unique, your business goals and personality are all unique and that’s why we know that for maximum success, to design the system that is best for you, your current circumstance and your future goals, we need to talk one-on-one…
So if you’re still reading this, you recognize that you need a system for generating clients. So it’s not a question of, ‘Do you need an online client generating system for your coaching business? Yes, you do! So the only real question is: Do you want to design it yourself, or do you want me to design it for you?
If you want me to design it for you, then here’s what you need to do next. Just below you’ll see an acceptance form, click on the ‘Reserve Your Spot’ button that links over to a PayPal payment page..[/text_block]

[op_liveeditor_element data-style=””][text_block]An appointment scheduler to book a 1-1 session with Profit From Coaching CEO, DJ Sobanjo where we will discuss my business goals and how DJ can help me design a bespoke online client generation system to help me get more clients.
If we are both happy then we will schedule a discounted £47 online system design session[/text_block][/op_liveeditor_element]
[op_liveeditor_element data-style=””]
Lock In 1 Of The 10 Spots At The Special 80% Discount Below
[op_liveeditor_element data-style=””]£1[/op_liveeditor_element]
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Why Is This Service Priced So Low

Let me answer, Profit From Coaching is expanding rapidly and we have recently recruited a team who is handling the technical side of things so now I have some time on my hands to do what I really love doing – working 1 on 1 with clients like you and so I’ve decided to slash my rates ridiculously so I don’t have to do any hard convincing to get folks to pay in the region of £500 an hour which is what I would normally charge for this service.
Also I know that many of our clients who interact with me personally get such amazing value that they usually want to engage us to support them in other areas, so yes there is some selfish interest as well.
When I work with you and you get amazing results, of course you’d want to work with me again, won’t you?
However as you can imagine at this price I expect there to be a surge of applicants and realistically I can only do 10 of these a month AND NO MORE. So you need to lock in quickly to take advantage of this offer[/text_block]

I know that charging a £1 lock in fee will reduce the takers by as much as 90% so I would only be talking to serious folk like you.[/text_block]

Limited Number Of Slots – Only 10 Places In August

If I were you, I would take advantage of it while you can…[/text_block]

- You simply lock in your spot today with just £1
- You will then be taken to a page to book a quick 15 minute call with me
- During the call we will have a quick chat where I will learn more about your business goals and you will learn more about how we help out clients design their machines.
- If we are both happy we then book the appointment and the £300 credit is applied and you pay only £47 (This is a special limited time offer and we reserve the right to remove it anytime so take action immediately so you don’t miss out)
- You complete a questionnaire beforehand and during the session, I will design you a client generating machine that you can deploy to help you grow your list and enroll more paying clients onto your coaching programs and to buy your product offers

[op_liveeditor_element data-style=””][text_block]An appointment scheduler to book a 1-1 session with Profit From Coaching CEO, DJ Sobanjo where we will discuss my business goals and how DJ can help me design a bespoke online client generation system to help me get more clients.
If we are both happy then we will schedule a discounted £47 online system design session[/text_block][/op_liveeditor_element]
[op_liveeditor_element data-style=””]
Lock In 1 Of The 10 Spots At The Special 80% Discount Below
[op_liveeditor_element data-style=””]£1[/op_liveeditor_element]
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