Community Mastery

Book Your Place At The Community Mastery International Tele-Summit Today

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”17″]Hey there!

Victor Bassey and I Just rounded up the live mixlr broadcast  and we had a great time.

If you listened in you’d have heard that we are putting together a 5 Day Community Mastery Teleseminar starting on the 12th of october.

On the call, we’ll share with you everything we know about building very profitable communities using my 4 part profit model for building a successful business.[/text_block]

This is what you will get:

  • 1

    Define your community

    This is about who you ultimately want to serve, how you serve them and what solutions you bring to the market place.

  • 2

    Grow your community

    You’ll learn online and offline strategies for attracting the right people to your community.

  • 3

    Serve your community

    You’ll learn specific strategies for building your KLT quotient
    (That’s just my fancy way of saying members of your community KNOW, LIKE and TRUST you.)

  • 4

    Upgrade your community

    How do you get people to willingly throw money at you for your offers? That’s what this session will be about.

  • 5


    We’ll end with a QnA session where we answer whatever questions that you might have concerning the concepts that you are learning.

Additionally, you will also learn …

  • How to create a compelling and magnetic brand attraction strategy that will distinguish you.
  • The formula for attracting the right people to your community and accelerate growth.
  • How to intentionally create a community of raving fans who brag about you and promote your brand.
  • How to eliminate buyer resistance and get people rushing to spend their money with you.
  • How to build a long term business that pays you in season and out of season.


[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left”]when this product is done..we will be offering the recording for £97, but you can get it now for just £37.[/text_block]

Book Your Place At The Community Mastery International Tele-Summit Today

For Our Audience Based In Nigeria …

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left”]If you live in Nigeria and maybe have problems with making international payments…

Just pay N10000 into Zenith Bank

Account Number:1001635222

Account Name: Victor Ekpo Bassey

And send Victor your payment details via Facebook.[/text_block]

… here is a FREE gift for you!

Access The FREE Audio Recording of the Training: How to build vibrant, highly engaged and very profitable communities online and offline.

Click ‘PLAY’ To Listen Or ‘DOWNLOAD’ To Download The Guide to Building Vibrant, Highly Engaged And Very Profitable Communities Online And Offline

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”18″ font_color=”%234f4f4f” width=”556″]Simply RIGHT CLICK on the  link on the right.  Depending on your browser, choose:   ‘Save Target As…’ ‘Save Link As…’ or  ‘Download Linked File As…’.  You can then save your free audio on your computer.[/text_block]

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”center”]pic_socom[/text_block]

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