A few years ago when I worked in the corporate world as a Management & Leadership Development Specialist, my then manager, an amazing leader told me something that stuck with me.
She said those of us who work in our space i.e. people development, have a lot of power and that calls for huge responsibilities.
One of those responsibilities is to continue to work on being better at what we do.
I recorded this short video to expand on this. Go ahead and watch, then share your thoughts below.
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Hi Heart-Led Coach, If you’re a coach offering high-value solutions, discovery calls are a vital part of your business. They’re more than just conversations—they’re opportunities to connect, understand your prospects’ needs, and showcase how you can help them. However, many coaches feel frustrated with these calls. Does this sound familiar? You hop on a call,
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Hi Heart-Led Coach, It’s the season of deals! Black Friday and Cyber Monday have come and gone, and like many of us, you might have grabbed some tempting offers. But let me ask you this: how many of those purchases will genuinely transform your coaching business? How many will sit untouched, collecting digital dust on
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