March 1


When Is The Right Time To Quit Your Job And Go Full Time?

Earlier today I spoke to someone who wanted me to help them with a business strategy for their speaking business. This person had quit their job because according to the person they had a very strong sense that speaking and inspiring people is what they were meant to be doing and they didn’t feel fulfilled in their job.

I probed a little further and after that session, I felt it necessary to share here with our community, when is the right time to leave your job and go full time in your business.

I recorded a short video.

Watch the video below.

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WEBINAR REPLAY: Top Coaching Business Strategist, DJ Sobanjo Reveals How He Made Over $7,000 In 4 Hours Without A Big List, Without Spending A Penny Advertising And Without Having To Lie Or Sell Any Hyped Up. Get Rich Quick Scheme – All From The Comfort Of His Home In Kent – Watch the webinar replay here


Don’t forget to leave your comments.

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  • DJ nailed it once again , great information sharing . Its not easy but if the steps you gave are followed I am sure we will all have profitable businesses.

  • Great job, Deji. A good reminder that some decisions should not be taken rashly. It is essential that we all remember that investing time, energy and care on our “babies” and patiently waiting for them to grow is something we all have to do. “Work your job, build your business by the side… Work it! Work it! Work it!”

  • Point on DJ. I am so glad I did it this way. It made my transition smooth and I pretty much knew what to expect when doing my business full-time.

  • Wow, awesome content and very practical! Love the baby illustration which draws individuals that don’t recognize the nurturing factor necessary to growing a successful business. We are driven by our passion but must be prepared for the practical side of the work involved! Thanks again for sharing.

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