Are you’re struggling with your coaching business and can’t seem to make decent money from it, or you’re sick and tired of freebie seekers who aren’t really worth your time:
“£47 Audio Shares Simple 10 Minute Tweak That Eliminates Freebie Seekers And Attracts Serious Minded Clients Eager To Pay What You’re Really Worth”
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‘’ Do you feel like you’re getting paid less than you’re worth from your client?’’
100% of people said “YES!”
I then asked those same people to explain why, and they said:
My coaching client’s won’t pay my prices, so I lower them.”
“My competitors charge less than I do, so I lowered my prices to match.”
“I don’t believe I could charge more for what I do.”
Sound familiar?
It turns out that most people who struggle with getting paid what they’re worth have these same problems.[/text_block]
- Grow your business, get more clients and start making REAL money
- A step-by-step, paint-by-numbers walkthrough of how to increase your visibility and perceived value to HIGH-WORTH coaching clients
- How to ensure you get red-hot, ready-to-work-with, paying clients (And not the freebie-seeking, tire-kicking whiners that most coaches end up with.)
For A Limited Time Only You Can Get This £27 Audio Completely FREE Here By Hitting the Download Button Below.
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After reading several books and attending multiple live events my head was stuffed full of marketing knowledge, but I was still feeling stuck and even more overwhelmed with the immensity of the all the new tasks facing me, and not knowing where I should even begin!I really appreciate your training – “Targeting & Packaging For Maximum Profits”.You really collapsed all of that knowledge into a very simple process that even a beginner can follow to get it right! So now I have my strategic statement, and I’m already using it and getting results.Nadine Sabulsky, CEO The Naked Life Coach