Revealed: Coaching Business Strategist DJ Sobanjo Shares ‘7 High Ticket Client Enrollment Boosters’ That Will Get You 4x More High Ticket Coaching Clients in As Little As 1 week
[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”17″ line_height=”29″]It’s no secret.
Trying to get more sign-ups to high ticket coaching programs is extremely difficult.
As you struggle to overcome the issue, you’re often met with headaches and closed doors. Finding a resolution seems impossible.
You have…[/text_block]
- run a ton of free coaching sessions which ended up in wasted countless hours with zero clients to show for it
- lowered your prices way below what you know you’re really worth which only resulted in still struggling to convert clients leading to frustration at not being valued for the quality of your service
- …and oh yeah, you probably have even…
- tried using the internet and social media to find clients which led to a lot of online activity, lots of likes and shares but no money
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It’s really no wonder that most people who try to get more sign-ups to high ticket coaching programs give up.
But the truth is…[/text_block]
Finally Being Able To Get 4x More High Ticket Coaching Clients Is Much Closer Than You Think…
[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left”]Hey, I’ve been down the same road. These days, things have gotten much better…
- I’m finally able to make a lot more money for the same effort simply by increasing my sign up ratios,
- I was also able to quit my high paying job in Corporate London and do what I love doing – HELPING OTHERS!, and
- I’m very lucky in that I can increase my prices as I have a steady stream of coaching clients who want me to help them reach their goals.
But I’ve never forgotten the frustration before seeing any improvement.[/text_block]
Having Tried it All, I Was Beaten Down and Ready to Throw in the Towel…
[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left”]Hey,
Roadblocks were my constant reality.
What often stopped me dead in my tracks was[/text_block]
- I didn’t know how to sell my programs without coming across as a sleazy salesman instead of a professional coach
- I hated the fact that I was doing all the hard work, giving so much value during the sessions but when it came to the payment they would come up with an excuse and
- I just couldn’t understand why even when people said they were eager and ready to get started, 8 out of 10 times it would fall through
[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left”]They say
the definition of insanity is expecting the same action to produce different results. Well… being a fairly sane person, I was out of fresh ideas. And nothing worked.
But before I pulled the plug entirely…[/text_block]
Something Happened That Changed Everything…
[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left”]I was steps away from giving up when I realised
a lot of the training on getting coaching clients didn’t really work.
So I decided to try out different things, tested, dropped what didn’t work and stuck with what worked.
I could hardly believe success had happened. After making so many calculated mistakes, I couldn’t believe I had stumbled on the answer.
However, knowing I wasn’t the only one who had suffered with this problem, I had to share my formula of success with you.
These changes I made to my discounted sessions that have exploded my income are what I call BOOSTERS. I have just shared one of them with you and now I can’t wait to introduce you to…[/text_block]
My 7 High Ticket Coaching Client Sign Up Boosters
7 “Secret” videos that will help you get more sign-ups to your high ticket coaching programs in as little as 1 week.
[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left”]If you want to know how I was able to
get 4x more high ticket coaching clients… well… these 7 boosters are exactly what I used.
And trust me, these videos are likely going to frustrate you. Not because it doesn’t work. But because you’ll be shocked at how simple it is (I honestly couldn’t believe it myself!)[/text_block]

This is simply brilliant. These videos are all barely 3 minutes each but they’re all truly golden nuggets. I’ve used a few of the tactics DJ shared here and I have already enrolled 2 new clients this week.
This is genius!
Coach Kemi, How 2 Think
I have got extreme value from DJ’s 7 booster program. Each section has been super helpful as it has given me the WHY and the HOW to enroll clients in my high ticket coaching program.
Trudi-Ann Read, LifeRing Coaching
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Here’s a sneak peak at 3 of the 7 High Ticket Client Sign Up Boosters:
· The Payment Inertia Crusher: This is good for you because it will stop you from losing clients who promise to pay later but never do.
Value: $1000.00
· The Income Maximiser: This is important because it ensures you leave no money on the table and increase your earning per session by as much as 50%.
Value: $1000.00
· The Perfect Positioning Opener: This is big because of its powerful psychological effect that sets the tone for the rest of the conversations and will lead to more sign ups into your high ticket program.
Value: $1000.00
· The 4 Magic Transitioning Questions: This a good thing because it will help you transition from your coaching session to your offer smoothly without coming across as salesy and ringing any alarm bells in your clients mind.
Value: $1000.00
This program contains no fluff but gets straight to the point showing you exactly what to do to get results: This is great because you won’t end up with hours and hours of fluffy content that ends up sitting on your hard drive and never gets used. ..
Value: $1000.00
“Yes, I’m Ready to Dive In! How Much Will This Cost Me?”
[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left”]Here’s a quick recap of some of what you’ll receive when you secure your copy of the 7 videos right now:
· The 7 High Ticket Coaching Client Sign Up Boosters
* The Payment Inertia Crusher- $1000.00
* The Income Maximiser- $1000.00
* The Perfect Positioning Opener- $1000.00
* The 4 Magic Transitioning Questions- $1000.00[/text_block]
When You Secure Your Copy of The 7 High Ticket Coaching Client Sign Up Boosters Today, You’ll Get a Total Value of over £5000.00 For ONLY £7…